One-on-One Coaching

In 1:1 coaching, we work with ambitious, driven, and motivated individuals and couples to develop financial wellness habits that propel them to financial freedom. We integrate the right tools and strategies at the right times, which include:

  • bi-weekly meetings

  • interactive spending plan (budget)

  • debt payment system

  • financial goal planning strategies

  • extensive library of online resources

  • built-in accountability

“We empower motivated individuals and couples to get from where they are to where they want to be with their finances. Our process is simple, but it’s not easy. We work with our clients to get to know their relationship with money, what motivates them, and teach them how to be effective with their finances, which leads to more peace in their lives. Many of our clients have expressed feeling peace and confidence in their finances within our first session and realize within one month that they’ve already achieved goals they worried were never going to be reached.”

- Joel and Kaitlin Bromley

Close your eyes and imagine if you could:

  • build a plan that allows you to stop living paycheque-to-paycheque

  • spend freely without feeling guilty

  • stop making simple mistakes with your money

  • reach your financial goals without going into debt

  • be financially prepared for large purchases, unexpected expenses, and emergencies

  • stop worrying about your future

  • be confident about your knowledge of personal finance

  • improve communication with your spouse

  • teach your children about money

When you work with us, you get:

  • One-on-One Coaching.

    We meet bi-weekly to discuss your goals, implement wealth-building habits and establish a plan of action that’s custom to you.

  • On Your Schedule.

    We know you're busy. That's why we find times to meet that work with your schedule.

  • Online Self-Guided Tools.

    We have an extensive library of online tools for you to walk through at your own pace.

In our six-month 1:1 coaching program you get:

Initial 1.5 hour extensive budgeting session

Bi-weekly coaching calls

Access to your own private portal of online resources and tools

Support to set and achieve attainable goals

Our customizable tools that make budgeting simple

Your investment: $2000

 Let’s connect.

Spaces are limited. We start with an application for the program, followed by a discovery call. This is to:

  • determine if you’re ready for financial coaching

  • discuss the 1:1 coaching process

  • answer any questions you have

  • find out if we are a good fit to work together