Let’s Connect.

I’d like to talk about corporate financial wellness.

A recent BrightPlan survey reported that 72% percent of employees stress about their personal finances. The ripple effect of improving employee financial well-being includes increased productivity, less employee turnaround, higher ability to focus and improved mental and physical health.

Whether you are a small non-profit organization or have one to hundreds of thousands of employees, we have the tools to meet the needs of your team members. We develop customized plans to meet your goals, accomodate your schedule and fit your budget. Let’s chat so we can discuss your organization’s needs and build a structure that works for you!

Referral Partner.

In order to serve our clients well, we get to know our referral partners; who their ideal client is, why and how they do what they do, and what their niche market is. This is so that we can make sure we introduce both clients and referral partners that align and will be the right fit for each other! If you have a product or service that you think would serve the needs of our clients, connect with us so we can hear about it!.


We are interested in faith-based financial wellness.

There are more than 2,300 verses in the Bible about money which is why it is so important to talk about finances in faith-based communities. We offer a variety of resources and services, from workshops to one-on-one coaching, that are custom designed to meet the needs and structure of your faith-based community.

Let’s chat.

If your reason for connecting doesn’t fit into one of the above categories, no problem! Use this form to let us know how we can best serve you. We look forward to chatting!