Privacy policy.

This Privacy Policy is based on the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act ("PIPEDA"). Thank you for visiting (hereinafter “Website,” “Site”), owned by Kaitlin Bromley (hereinafter, “Company,” “we,” “us,” “our”), a Canada based company. Please see the Company’s contact information at the bottom of this privacy statement should you have any questions. We respect and value the privacy of everyone who visits our Website and will only collect and use information in a manner consistent with your rights and our obligations under the law. This Privacy Policy applies only to your use of this Website. It does not extend to any websites that are linked to from our Website (whether we provide those links or whether they are shared by other users). We have no control over how your data is collected, stored or used by other websites and we advise you to check the privacy policies of any such websites before providing any data to them.

Please read this statement carefully as it is intended to help you understand the types of information we collect, why we collect it, and the ways you can manage any personal information we may collect about you. We have made every reasonable effort to explain the terms of this Privacy Policy in easy-to-understand language. If you have any questions, please use the contact information provided below. It is important to us that you make a reasonably informed decision as to whether to continue reading the information provided on this Website and whether you ultimately choose to share any of your personal information with us.


The collection of personal information by us will be limited to that which is necessary for the purposes identified in this Policy. At all times, we will collect personal information by fair and lawful means. For purposes of this Privacy Policy, “personal information” means any information that could identify you as an individual through information that is unique to you. This type of information is often referred to as a “unique identifier,” which is a numeric or alphanumeric string of characters that can be used to uniquely identify an individual. Obvious unique identifiers are name, residential address, and phone number. Other unique identifiers include your email address, a website URL, Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, or any other data that could reasonably be linked to your identity.

Unique identifiers can be used for various purposes, including remembering your browsing preferences, your purchase history, directing advertising specifically to you, collecting information about your browsing history, as well as determining whether emails sent to you by us were received and/or opened.

We also use the information we collect from your use of our existing programs and services to help us develop new ones, and at times to send you personalized ads based on your particular interests. However, we do not use sensitive information such as race, sexual orientation, religion, or health, to determine which ads we send you, and we do not collect genetic or biometric data (ex., fingerprints, retina patterns, voice waves).

Unique identifiers are sometimes stored in “cookies” to help websites display certain content in your browser, and to remember, for example, your preferred language.

We may also collect information from the content you provide to us through our products and services. Be advised that this content may also include personal information that would also be protected by our Privacy Policy.


Your personal data that we collect is used to manage a professional relationship with our clients, provide ongoing service, to bill and collect for products and service, to market to individuals and to meet regulatory and legal requirements.

Data regarding your computer hardware and software, including your IP address, browser, dates and times of access, domain names, and websites that referred you here, may be collected by the Website for purposes of improving the quality of the information and services provided; to understand our visitors’ preferences; to make improvements to our visitors’ overall experience of this website; and to personalize this experience where doing so would improve the enjoyment of the Website.

With the data we collect from your computer hardware and software, we are able to learn about the number of visitors to our Website and the types of technology visitors use on our Website. However, we do not track or record information about individuals and their visits (unless they are willingly participating in one of our programs) and we do not share this data with anyone outside the Company unless necessary for law enforcement purposes (see “disclosure exceptions” below).


The information we collect from you, specifically your name and email address, is used to interact with you directly. While we may use your data for marketing purposes, which may include contacting you by e-mail with information, news and offers about our products and services from time to time, we will not send you any unsolicited marketing materials or spam and promise to take all reasonable steps to ensure that your privacy rights are protected.

If you’re already a client, we use your information to communicate with you directly as a method of providing information about how to use our programs.

You always have the option to unsubscribe from all mailings by clicking the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of all emails we send. You may also email us directly about your privacy preferences. (See our contact information below.)


The Company retains your personal information only for as long as reasonably necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected, as well as to comply with applicable laws. You may make a request to remove any and all data collected by us. (See our contact information below.)

We take appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the level of risk. We may store your information in electronic databases or e-mail systems, hosted by us or our service providers, for periods of time and with safeguards that we believe are reasonable depending on the nature and sensitivity of the information. Access to the information is restricted to a select group of individuals whose job function requires them to have access to your information. Some information will be stored with service providers. Please note that the Company uses cloud based solutions and the data collected may reside in data centres outside of Canada.

From time to time we may use third party vendors to process information on our behalf, including for information storage, payment processing, and similar purposes. In those cases, your data may be made available to these third parties solely for the purpose of assisting in the development or maintenance of our relationship with you. We only share your personal information with others in the ways explained in this Privacy Policy. We do not sell or trade this information to other organizations or companies.


Personal information that uniquely identifies you is only gathered with your explicit authorization and only in exchange for information, products, or services, whether free or paid. Be advised that if you choose not to provide this information, or you withdraw it, you will not be able to receive information, products, or services offered by us to you as we will not have the means to deliver it to you.

We will only process your personal data if at least one of the following applies:

  1. You have given consent to the processing of your personal data;

  2. Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract or service to which you are a party;

  3. Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject;

  4. Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest; and/or

  5. Processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by one’s privacy rights or where the data subject is a child.

You always have ultimate control over the information you receive from us. Note that some of your information may be shared with third party payment processors and credit card companies in order to process payment transactions and the delivery of our products and/or services to you.

Any information that we may reasonably provide to other trusted businesses in order to process business transactions you choose to have with us are always in accordance with our instructions and comply with the terms of this Privacy Policy and the confidentiality we promise to uphold on your behalf. For example, we may use a third party service provider for customer support purposes.

We will never intentionally disclose any information regarding your personal identification to any third party without your consent. If you choose to provide us with such information, you agree to receive information, products, or services from this Website.

Rest assured that you always have the ability to manage your contact information. We will always ask for your permission before using any of your personal information for a purpose that has not been covered in this Privacy Policy. Be advised that when you click and follow a link on this Website that takes you to another website, your interactions outside of this website are no longer protected by our Privacy Policy.

NOTE: We may share information that does not include a unique identifier and would not reasonably be considered “personal data” in that it does not include information that would allow anyone to identify you as an individual. For example, advertisers or outside services may use non-personal data to enhance the experience of a visitor to their websites.


As indicated above, this Website may use third party analytics service providers to evaluate and provide us and/or third parties with information about the use of the Website and viewing of content on the Website.

Third party analytics service providers may use cookies to track certain behavioural usage information regarding users of your computer through use of their own tracking technologies. Third party cookies and other tracking technologies are not controlled by us, even if they use our technology to store or collect data. This Privacy Policy does not apply to the methods for collecting information used by third party analytics service providers or the use of the information that such third party analytics service providers collect. Note that the relevant third party analytics service providers’ terms of use, privacy policies, permissions, notices and choices should be reviewed by you regarding their collection, storage and sharing practices. We make no representations regarding the policies or practices of third party analytics service providers.


You have the right to ask whether we hold any personal information about you, and if so, to make reasonable requests to review, update or correct any of your personal information that is held by the Company. We will respond to your request for access within 30 days of the request being made.

You can refuse to allow us to obtain, use or share your personal information or you can also withdraw a previously given consent at any time. However, by doing so, depending on the situation, you may be limiting or even preventing our ability to provide you with the service or product you desire.

In the event of any conflict or other concern regarding access to, or the accuracy or our use of, your personal information, you may make inquiries or complaints to our Company. See contact information below.


This website will disclose your personal information, without notice, but only if:

  • It is required to do so by law;

  • As required by service of process;

  • To defend our rights and property;

  • To protect the personal safety of visitors to this website.


This website is intended for persons eighteen (18) years of age or older. Furthermore, this website will not knowingly contact or collect personal information from anyone under eighteen (18), and does not intend to solicit information of any kind from persons under the age of eighteen (18).


A visitor to our Website is not required to reveal any personal information, such as name, address, or telephone number. Nor is such information collected passively by electronic means, except as outlined within this Privacy Policy.

Your personal information is collected when you voluntarily complete an online registration form, request form, or survey and is used in the same manner as any other personal information we collect in the course of providing services to you or responding to requests. 

In some cases, our Website may collect visitor information that is not personally-identifiable. Examples of this type of information include: Internet protocol (IP) address, type of Internet browser and domain name. This information is used internally, only in aggregate form, to better serve you by helping us manage and improve the content of our Website and to diagnose technical problems.

We may store 'cookies' on your computer when you visit the website if needed to help display the web pages. It will not be used to collect any form of personal information.


Should there be a breach of personal data, the Company shall notify you and all competent supervisory authorities without undue delay and, where feasible, not later than 72 hours after having become aware of such a breach.


Data protection laws differ from province to province (in Canada), state to state (in the United States) and from country to country, with some having greater protections than others. We strive to maintain the highest level of privacy for anyone who shares information with us, regardless of where they reside.

Whenever we receive formal written complaints, we respond directly to the person who made the complaint. Should you have a complaint, please be sure to include your contact information so that we may act swiftly to rectify the situation. We are further committed to working with any appropriate regulatory bodies to resolve complaints regarding any transfer of data that is in breach of this Privacy Policy.


This Privacy Policy does not apply to third parties that may advertise our services or to companies who may link to this Website. Neither does it apply to websites to which we may include links in our informational materials and in our services.


The Company reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy, without notice, at its discretion, by posting updates on this website. You are encouraged to revisit this page periodically in order to stay informed of any changes. The Privacy Policy posted at any time via this website shall be deemed to be the Privacy Policy then in effect.

It is incumbent upon you to make reasonable efforts to review our Website’s Privacy Policy from time to time so as to become aware of any changes, revisions, or modifications. 

Should your privacy rights be affected in any way by changes to this Privacy Policy, you will be notified to obtain consent to such changes. We also indicate the date of the most recent updates to these terms.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding this website’s Privacy Policy, or how your personal data is being used by the Company, please contact us by email at:

Please put “ATTN Privacy Protection Officer” in the subject line.

UPDATED: October, 2023