Simple Steps For Communicating About Money

How To Stop Fighting About Money

US President Kennedy had a direct phone line to Soviet Union Premier Khrushchev during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Most Fire Station lobbies have a direct emergency phone line to contact Fire Dispatch for people who walk in off the street when the crew isn’t in the station. 

When it comes to managing money within your family and business; miscommunication and ineffective modes of communication will crush your success every time. How is communication about money going in your house? Do you have open lines of communication, or is something blocking idea and information flow in either direction?

Short weekly meetings are a great way to improve communication. Here are some simple steps you can use to implement weekly meetings with your spouse and/or business partner:

  1. Set a time frame
    15 minutes works great! Meetings that are too long can result in stress surrounding these meetings.

  2. Have an agenda
    Make a list of what you want to discuss ahead of the meeting and keep a “parking lot” for future conversations in case you run out of time or need more time or to find more information about a particular topic.

  3. Find a neutral inviting atmosphere
    You don’t want to be somewhere distracting or stressful, like a messy kitchen or near a TV that’s on. It’s also a good idea to bring a coffee and/or a snack to make it feel more casual.

  4. Celebrate successes
    Whether big or small, every success is worth acknowledging and celebrating.

  5. Invite the kids, where appropriate
    Including your kids in these discussions helps prepare them for their financial future.

Having regular, direct, and open conversations about anything from meal planning to challenges to spending plan updates, and anything in between, will increase forward motion, resulting in fewer conflicts, and priorities that match your goals and objectives.

What is the next smallest thing you will implement to ensure great communication?


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